I have supervised the following students in their Mentored Advanced Projects and Mellon Mays Undergraduate Fellowships:

Dylan Bremner and Mariyah Jahangiri (Sociology), “Racial Barriers to Participation in the Climate Justice Movement,” Spring 2020

Maya Kusonoki-Martin (Sociology Major with Linguistics Concentration), Mellon Mays Undergraduate Fellowship, “Navigating Gender and Race in the Asian Men-Black Women Online Dating Community,” 2019-2021

Cinthia Romo (Sociology and French Major), Mellon Mays Undergraduate Fellowship, “Narratives of Everyday Life in a Migrant Camp,” 2019-2021

Nathaniel Crail (Anthropology) and Pieter Hansen (Political Science), “State-Sanctioned Spaces: The Art and Architecture of Two Philippine Centers,” Spring 2019

Timothy Burnette (Biology), Mentored Advanced Project, “Social Class and Belonging in a Liberal Arts Institution,” Fall 2017